Thursday 16 May Day 32. Before we left Leon today we went to see the cathedral. One of the early Gothic cathedrals started in the mid 13th C, it has a wonderful history of being in danger of collapse and rescued by genius architects in the 19th C. But the stained glass - can only be described as miraculous. The only place we have seen that rivals is the Sainte Chapelle in Paris which is tiny in comparison. Scaffolding obstructed part of the view - so we must return in 10 years to see the entire church uninstructed.
So just what can we who are not traveling "THE WAY" with you say about the wonderful pilgrimage that you are on???!!! There are no words that can top what you are doing, seeing, feeling along the journey! So, just know that you are on our hearts, and please pray for our many intentions. Love and Blessings, Sharon and DD