Tuesday, September 30, 2014

St Guilhem-Le-desert and more

First happy birthday to the bravest and strongest hiker any guy ever walked dangerous roads in the rain with!!!
Next, have to spell it right... Guilhem, not Guilliam as I have been.  Lovely medieval town that ranks right up with Mont St Michel, just not as spectacular. 1200  years old dating from Guilhem who was Charlemagne's cousin and ally in war.  Lovely, peaceful church open for prayer and a quiet evening mass attended by 6, including us...just what we needed before the mountains starting tomorrow. Allegedly 5-6 days of good weather ahead but not enough to get all the way thru the mountains...so may have to bus part.

1 comment:

  1. Yay happy birthday!! Beautiful town to spend it in! :) miss you guys!
