Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More Snow

After a few balmy days in which the worst of the ice and snow melted and we began to think of planning our garden for the spring - more snow!  2 inches today and still coming.  Only a few more boxes to unpack! Pix are the front of our house and the backyard.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Back to Winter

After 6 days of sunshine and poolside lounging we are headed back to VA to resume putting the house together and starting the next chapter of life in retirement. Pix are of the gem show in Tucson, a favorite shop in the Tubac artists colony near the border, and an unidentified sun worshiper trying to banish thoughts of snow shovels and icy steps.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sunshine in Arizona

After getting two of our three deliveries last week,we had to return to Arizona for some follow up medical care as we havenot yet found. Virginia doctors.  Yesterday and today Annandale and the Washington DC area have had 6-12 inches of snow.  Right now I am sitting by the pool ind it's about 80 degrees.  This Arizona winter could grow on us.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Driving through West Virginia

As we get closer to the East, ithe landscape is sort of amazing.  From the cactus of Arizona yo a wall of ice in West Virginia.  What a wonderful country.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Visit to Louisville

After our two day delay iced in in Tuscaloosa Alabama, we went straight on to two nights in Louisville with old friends who treated us to the sights including the BIG baseball bat and David, yes, that full sized David, in downtown Louisville. Move over Florence.