Monday, February 13, 2017

In Vancouver

In Vancouver for a day before we go to Ski Whistler. Me from VA and Trish rendezvous from Seattle and a nice weekend with Catherine. Beautiful city and nice view from our 28th floor. Nice walk around Stanley Park.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Winter Ski Holiday

Playing Dead of Winter - a very complex game! At Blackwater State PRk in West Virginia for X-country skiing. A great winter holiday- even though this game is a killer! First time x-country skiing- great!

Friday, January 27, 2017

March for Life

Big, young crowd at 44th March for Life today.  Lots of energy in the air. 58 million abortions in the US since it became a right...58 million...

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Life in the Desert

Built a new gate for the patio; wood rots out here if not kept painted.  Have to do another for the other side - may wait for summer.  Clearing brush from around the house and raking rocks for landscaping keep me busy.  I am improving my stucco'ing, painting and carpentry skills by the day!  Beautiful sunset from the car on way back from Tucson.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

January in Arizona

In Arizona since December 29. Enjoying lazy days. Got to jazz in Tucson one night and the wonderful Gaslight Theater.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trip to Europe

life got busy in September and October.  Trish finished the Coast to Coast walk in September in one piece.  It was difficult.  John's walk on the AT was also successful.  Then in October we were off to Europe, first to serve in Lourdes then to visit our friends Linda and Jay Ward in Naples.  That trip was equally successful, including good comrades in Lourdes and a wonderful trip to Sicily.

Below are a few pix:

Big Day

Yesterday we handed out sample ballots at our local polling place.  Our guy won. Wow.